Thursday 24 January 2013

Life is Calling...

In the noisy confusion of life, how do you keep peace in your soul?

Early alarms and endless to do lists, family, friends and lovers to keep relationships up with , a body to nurture, a mind to stimulate and in the midst of this – a soul, on the search for enlightenment. The daily  demands of life and our ultimate hopes and wishes can easily come to war if our energy is focused more often on what becomes the daily grind, the same shit, different day kind of experience that gives me nightmares. We all have roles in life - I am a daughter, I am a niece, I am a sister, I am a best friend, I am an employee, I am a lover, I am tenant, I am a customer, I am a teacher, I am this, I am that. With the daily demands and pressures of life you really have to keep your focus on what is important to you, and that all begins by identifying what exactly is important to you. There is not much sense in building an empire which forces you spend the next forty years in an office when really all you wanted to do was spend time with your loved ones in a garden. 

What makes you happy? Have you got enough of that in your life? If the answer is "no", then do not worry - it’s simply time to reflect on where you are and where you want to be. What things need to change to bring you more peace and happiness? What can make life easier and more enjoyable for you? The answers you come up with may be easy to achieve or they may seem impossible at the present moment. It doesn’t really matter how big or small the changes are that you want to make – all that matters is that you identify what lights up your soul and make step towards having more of whatever that is in your life.


With 2012 having now joined the past, many of us may have been forced into reflection. Hopes and dreams for the future are often their strongest at the beginning of a new year - but how many of us actually take the time to learn from the previous year and plan how we are going to achieve our dreams? Now that a whole calendar year has passed you have 12 months of experience you didn’t have last year – use it to your advantage. If you don’t you are missing out! 

What dreams came true for you last year? What beautiful things have you learned about yourself? What have you successfully let go of? What are you proud of? What are you thankful for? Before you run head first into 2013 take a moment to appreciate 2012 and move into this year with peace and clarity. 

The following quote is an excerpt from Life is Calling…How to Manifest Your Life Plan by Stephanie J. King (Although I’ve changed he to she because I prefer it that way lol). I love it and just reading it helps me to rebalance and reassess which areas in my life need more attention.

  “The base of her own life must be solid and strong, her health must be kept and her personal space uncluttered. She must be up to date in all her affairs and she should have all that she needs to survive. Her mind must be centred on the time of her now and her past must be at peace in her thoughts. She must realise her worth and the lessons she has gained and the strengths that are part of her too. She must be able to be every aspect of herself and at all times be open and free. She must take care of her commitments and her daily needs, but she must also remember her heritage”.

Take one hour today to think about what areas in your life need more attention this year. For a quick assessment I like to split my life up into 4 parts – Health, Wealth, Career and Love, I then give each a rating out of ten (ten being amazing). This helps me to see what I have and haven’t been focusing on depending on how high or low my assigned ratings are for each part, and it allows me to then make the appropriate changes to create balance in my life. Try it out for yourself and see what you find. 

Below are some simple tips that will help you to have an amazing year. Enjoy!

·         Write down 100 things you are going to do this year. These can be as small as always having fresh flowers in your house or as big as starting your own business. Whatever makes you happy and joyous.

·         Meditate – Join a local meditation class or try out some guided meditations on You Tube or elsewhere on the internet. I particularly like to do guided meditations for Chakra rebalancing and cleansing before I go to bed so I awake feeling re- energised and positive.

·         Build a positive relationship with moneyKeep on top of your finances, balance your bank account and plan for the future. I recommend reading “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki to change the way you think about money and set your inner money mogul free!

·         Make regular realistic goals Great things don’t just happen you have to plan ahead and make things happen.

·         Eat healthy and exerciseI couldn’t leave this out. Above all, an amazing year needs a healthy body. Check out and discover the alkalarian approach to optimal health.

·         Plan holidays and events months in advanceMake sure you travel and always have things to look forward to; it will help you to always look on the bright side of life.

·         Do something just for youEvery week set aside time to do something that makes you feel great. This could be taking a yoga class, going to a spa, having a manicure or baking & eating a cake. Whatever makes you smile :)

·         Get Creative! Paint, write, sing, dance, cook, knit – Create, create, create!

5 super quick ways to find inner peace!

  1. Look at inspiring photos
  2. Sit somewhere where sunlight warms your face
  3. Repeat positive affirmations – such as “I choose and direct myself to peaceful inside regardless of what is happening outside” or “I have plenty of time for all that I need to accomplish today. I am filled with energy when I choose to live in the present moment”
  4. Take ten deep breaths and connect to the rhythm of the universe inside you *
  5. Give thanks and praises for everything you love in your life
We would love you to share what practices help you to keep balance in your life and create a feeling of inner peace. Please leave us a comment :)




* The body-mind is always trying to synchronize its rhythms with universal rhythms. If you want to know more about this follow the link below and read a very informative blog post by Deepak Chopra titled Living in Grace. 


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