Monday 16 January 2012

Life, Love and Intention (Part 1)


I like to believe that life is about discovering what you love. Of course, this means also discovering what you do not love and I believe it is often those discoveries that are just as essential and help to ignite the passion and motivation inside of us to pursue only what we love. 

Some people are so passionate and motivated that they have successfully turned their love into a constant experience in their lives. Their love is their work. They use their passion as a skill and they sell it. 

Money is often not the driving force or ultimate goal for these creative souls, however it flows nonetheless because if you intend to live a life manifesting your dreams, money is no doubt an essential commodity and you will attract it. Money becomes a ticked boxed on their list of life essentials, no more or less important than toilet roll but definitely necessary and available to them in sufficient amounts that enable them to create their perfect existence, whatever that might be. 
Success has a different face for all of us, and is often measured in meaningless material belongings. I use the word success in this blog to mean the attainment of a life that matches our dreams, that feeds our soul. Successful people have one thing in common – a constant commitment to intention. The intention to live the life they want to, a life that makes them happy. Before this commitment many experiences both positive and negative allowed for the identification of what made them happy and they made the choice to take control of their lives.

You can make that same choice. Take the time to think about what makes you happy, what does your ideal day look like? What are you deeply thankful for in your life? What are your interests? How much money would you like to have? How would you like to gain this money? What do you love? What allows you to give and receive love? Ask yourself these questions and live the answers. 

Remember, you don’t want to be successful in the future – make the choice to be successful NOW. Live in the now, realise that life is an unfolding of moments and choose to make them happy. 

What are your passions?

This is the first in a series of blogs exploring life, love and the choices we make. I believe we set our own limitations. Why shouldn’t you live the life that you want to? Why shouldn’t you be happy every day? The ability to live a happy life comes when you allow it, when you invite it, when you realise that you can either give into love or live in fear. 

We want to connect with people from all walks of life to discover the forces behind success and happiness... 

Come back soon for part 2!

UG xx

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